జర్నల్ ఆఫ్ ఎంటర్‌ప్రెన్యూర్‌షిప్ ఎడ్యుకేషన్



Snapshot of Public Service Quality in the Center for Integrated Business Service (CIBS), Cooperative Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (CMSME), Maluku Province, Indonesia

Zainal Abidin Rengifurwarin, Haedar Akib, Jasruddin, Rudi Salam

This study aims to explain snapshot of public service quality and determinant factors (supporting or inhibiting) for improving the quality of public services at the Centre for Business Service Integrated (CIBS), Cooperative Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (CMSME) in Maluku province. The data collection technique applied is observation and interview. Also, document tracking is done directly while watching, reading and understanding the contents of the employment report, the legislation of the central government, local regulations, decrees and brochures related to the focus and locus of research. Data were analysed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The study found that the snapshot of public services in CIBS- CMSME Maluku Province "sufficient quality" seen from the aspect (characteristic) of transparency, non-partisan/neutrality, efficiency, reliability and accountability. There are the determinant factors which hamper the quality of public services, namely awareness of officers and employees/staff of service providers and the implementation of regulations concerning public services are less than optimal. Meanwhile, the determinant factors that support the quality of public services is revenue and employee competencies, as well as the facilities and infrastructure available. The study also found some aspects as a basic value and at the same identifier value orientation in the process and the results of public service, namely creativity (innovation), accessibility, acceptability, responsibility and credibility.
